Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pretty Wicked Moms Are . . . Pretty Wicked

One evening a friend, who shall remain nameless, sent me a text asking me if I was watching Lifetime's Pretty Wicked Moms.  The show is ridiculous, but I find it entertaining. There have been a number of jaw dropping and cringe worthy moments.  Let's see what I've witnessed.  A two year old joining her mom at bedtime every night since she was born with the husband being relegated to a guest bedroom to sleep with the dogs.  Spending $8 an invitation for a child's first birthday party.   A two year old child being on a first name basis with her father.

There is a parent who serves her daughter Coca-Cola consistently and on a daily basis.  Look, I enjoy soft drinks, probably a little too much.  I am also a 37 year old adult and not a 2 year old child.  I simply cannot wrap my head around this.  Full disclosure here, my seven year old has had a soft drink or ginger ale during times when he's had an upset stomach.  Has he asked to have a soft drink during lunch or dinner at times?  Absolutely.  Have I indulged him in his request?  Absolutely not!  If you haven't guessed whether my two year old daughter has ever had a soft drink.  The answer is no.  If you are wondering about juices, we limit them. If we offer apple or orange juice, it is mixed with half the portion being water.

I can think of a few issues off the top of my head about serving a toddler soft drink. Not getting enough calcium in their diet. Tooth decay.  Caffeine causing fidgetiness.  What happened to the oldies but goodies?  Milk and water.

What do you think?  Am I the only one out there not serving my children soft drinks?  Do you serve your children soft drinks on occasion or frequently? 

p.s.  On the show, the father of the child drinking the Coca-Cola is a dentist.  Isn't that ironic? 
p.s.s.  Check out this article on WebMD about children and sweetened drinks

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