Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Time In A Bottle

Where has the time gone?  Today is my daughter's fourth birthday.  In my family, we have a birthday morning tradition that my Mom started when I was a little girl.  There was an album, remember those, titled Happy Birthday From Sesame Street.  The very first song on the album was called A Little Bit Bigger.  Every year, my Mom has sung this song to me.  When I wasn't living at home, away at college or now as a Mom with a home and family of my own, my Mom still calls me every birthday morning to sing this song to me. 

Browsing a music store when I was pregnant with my first child I came across the CD of the album.  I snatched it up and was so excited that I would be able to carry on this tradition with my child.  To my disappointment, the most important song that my Mom sang to me growing up was not included on the CD.  I called Sesame Street and spoke to them about the song, the special memories associated with my Mom singing it to me each birthday and that I was about to have a child of my own and would love to have a copy of this it.  Crazy, I know, but they were wonderful and sent me a copy of the song.

The mornings of my children's birthday I play the song for them.  The song is so simple, but says a lot.  Especially, the third verse.  Now that I have children of my own it puts a lump in my throat as I hope I get to enjoy a long life with them, watch them grow and create families of their own.  Here's the song lyrics - enjoy singing this to your children on their birthdays!

A Little Bit Bigger

Your birthday comes, your friends are here
And you're a little bit different than you were last year
You're growing tall, that's one thing new
And there's a brand new answer when I ask, "How old are you?"

You're little bit bigger, a little bit older
A little bit smarter than you were before!
You're a little bit bigger, a little bit nicer
And every year we like you even more!

Well you're my friend, so let me say
The day that you were born was a very special day
So once a year, here's what we'll do
We'll have an extra special party just for you!

Now time goes by, soon you'll be grown
Someday you may even have some children of your own
Still every year, here's what we'll do
We'll wish a wonderful, Happy Birthday just to you!

I found it on You Tube in case you want to take a listen click here.

4 Years Old
1st Birthday
Do you have any traditions?  Have they been carried on from your childhood or have you created your own?

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photo credit: Happy Birthday -Giant tags via photopin (license)

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet way to continue your mom's tradition!
    And how nice of Sesame Street to send you a copy!

