I don't think I've watched the evening news in years. My son is eight years old and quite frankly, I think it is too scary and overwhelming to have the news on in the house. Of course, I can try to stay up and watch the 11 o'clock news at night - but I'm usually too exhausted. Let's list the alternatives. If I had the choice of watching The Big Bang Theory or How I Met Your Mother or The King of Queens - I know all cheesy sitcoms, or the news at 11 o'clock in the evening, I choose to enjoy the cheesy sitcom before going to sleep.
Over time, I felt like I had lost touch with current events. I wasn't keeping up with the news on television. I didn't get a newspaper delivered to my house. I could look up current events on the internet or get an app on my phone of a major news organization but it is just too much to sort through. I'd like to think I am a bright and intelligent person who likes to empower myself with information and knowledge about the world around me. I definitely felt out of touch. My husband would come home from work and talk to me about things that are going on in the world and I just didn't have much to contribute to the conversation. Like a deer in headlights and it frustrated me.
About a month ago, on Facebook one of those little boxes appeared with a notice that several of my friends LIKED theSkimm. theSkimm is an email newsletter you can subscribe to that you will find in your inbox first thing every morning. Summarizing international and domestic events it really is a wonderful source of information for Moms, or anyone, who wants to incorporate absorbing this information in their daily lives but are simply too short on time. I subscribed about a month ago and am really happy I did. Now each morning while I enjoy my coffee, I read theSkimm and catch up with the news in only a couple of minutes. Now I won't look like a deer in headlights when my husband talks to me about current events. Not only can I contribute to the conversation thanks to theSkimm, I might stump him with a news event he might not be aware of.
Do you watch the news with young children at home? Do you find yourself out of the loop with current events? What are your sources for getting information about current events?
photo credit: brighter than sunshine via photopin cc

thank you for this Judy! xo