A few weeks ago, my daughter celebrated her second birthday. She really is a fun, bright and happy little girl. She is also at an age where she is testing me more and more each day. There is almost a five year age difference between my son and my daughter, so I have forgotten how trying this phase can be.
Some of the challenges I face with my daughter are hitting her brother, trying to open up cabinets or telling me no when I ask her to do something. Does any of this sound familiar? To help with my sanity I have gone back to using "Time Outs". Thankfully my daughter is responding to them. When she is doing something she shouldn't, I ask her to stop. I tell her if she doesn't, I will give her a time out. Sometimes she stops the behavior. Mostly she keeps on, testing to see what I'll do next. I give her a time out. I don't yell, I don't get annoyed, I don't lose my patience. I stop what I'm doing and pick her up and tell her, "Time Out."
In my house, she sits for her time out in a regular chair in our family room. I don't believe in having a dedicated "naughty" chair. I set the timer on the microwave for two minutes - since she's two years old. I don't engage her during the time out. The only time I will communicate with her is if she gets down. I pick her up and put her back in the time out. She caught on pretty quickly and it's only been a couple of weeks! She might get down after 30 seconds and starts apologizing. I kiss her, tell her it's still time out and put her back. When the time is up I tell her why I gave her a time out and ask her not to behave that way again. I ask her for a kiss and hug.
My daughter about to turn 2 boycotting taking a picture with her brother.

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