I don't know about you, but the older I get the faster time passes by. I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions, do you?
I am going to be making some this year because I think my family and myself will benefit from them. First I am going to resolve to keep up with the housekeeping. If my home is tidy and in order, my day seems to go just a little better. A couple of years ago I read an article about housekeeping and came across a saying that stuck with me. If you know me, you might have heard me say it - CHAOS stands for can't have anybody over suddenly. When my home isn't in order, I don't feel comfortable having guests - and sometimes even friends, visit my home. I'm sure I've been missing out on great opportunities to spend time with friends or invite company over because my home hasn't been as pulled together as I'd hoped. This year I resolve to stay on top of it.
This one might seem obvious as a parent, but I resolve to be more patient with my children. They deserve my patience and understanding above all else. Especially when I realize how fast the time is passing by, I am going to resolve to be more calm and even-tempered when my children drive me to the brink.
My hope for this year is first and foremost the gift of health for my family and friends. My hope is to spend more time with friends and cherish this time with my children - they will be grown before I know it.
Will you make a resolution this year? What will it be?

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