Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Grade Report Cards - Not What They Used to Be

This week my son, who is in first grade, received his report card.  It is very interesting how curriculum has changed since I was a first grader.  The expectation of young children from an academic perspective is very high.

Gone are the days of grading with A, B, C, D and F.  Now, the report card measures ability by E, M and P - exceeds, meets and progressing towards.  For each category, math, reading, writing, music, physical education and art there is a mark regarding overall effort applied.  There was so much information on the report card, I asked myself where to hone in to understand the bigger picture.  Although my son's report card was very good, I decided what is most important to me is if he is putting effort into his learning.  Is he applying himself?  It is important for him to read, write and apply math concepts expected of him.  Most important, for me, is he trying his best?  I will gladly accept a grade of meeting expectation if he is trying his best to achieve it!

How have you noticed school and report cards have changed since you were a student?  What is the most important concept you expect your child to grasp at school?  Do you challenge them to try and improve for next report card?

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