Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Birthday - My Favorite Gift to Give

Do you feel like you are always shopping for a gift your child needs to bring to a birthday party?  I really like to give a gift the child will truly enjoy.  I used to stress about squeezing in the time to run to Toys 'R Us or Target to get a gift.  I don't stress anymore.  My favorite gift to give is a gift certificate to Hands on Pottery, a pottery store in my town. 

We have been going to the store for about four years.  My son even had his fifth birthday party there.  Every time, we have had a great experience - always leaving happy and anticipating what he will create during his next visit.  There is a great selection of ceramic pieces for a child to pick from  and make a one of a kind creation they can proudly display. 

This isn't just for kids.  I have gone to a ladies' night and my husband loves going with my son to paint.  It is a very relaxing way to spend some time with your family or friends. 

There's a bonus to buying a Hands on Pottery gift certificate.  You don't need to worry about a card or gift wrap.  Each gift certificate is a one of a kind creation in itself.  A ceramic tile personalized with a birthday message and beautifully wrapped.  It does not get much easier than that!

Do you have any favorite gifts you enjoy giving for birthdays?

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